All of Andy Fletcher's railroad drawings are available as matted prints or magnets. If you don't see a matted print or magnet you want, email us. 

​North Shore Railroads

Lycoming Valley GP35 #5514 Lycoming Valley is a member of ASLRRA

Railroad Artwork by Andy Fletcher

Juanita Valley SW9 #2106 Juanita Valley is a member of ASLRRA

North Shore Railroad  "Railway Age" Short Line of the Year #2017 North Shore Railroad is a member of ASLRRA  Click the drawing of North Shore GP38  #2017 to visit their website.

Nittany & Bald Eagle  #1804 Nittany & Bald Eagle is a member of ASLRRA

Lycoming Valley SW9 #231 Lycoming Valley is a member of ASLRRA