Why We Need Trains
Written & Illustrated by Andy Fletcher
Photo of "Why We Need Trains" postcards and stickers
Watch the slide show below to find the answer to this week's Trivia question, then email us your answer for a chance to win a copy of the 5.5"x8" 8 page booklet "Why We Need Trains", one 4"x6" "Why We Need Trains" postcard and two "Why We Need Trains" 2"x3" indoor-outdoor stickers.
Slide show of "Why We Need Trains" jpegs includes the 6 interior pages. Actual booklet size is 5.5"x8"
All of Andy Fletcher's railroad drawings are available as matted prints or magnets. If you don't see a matted print or magnet you want, email us.
a 2"x3" indoor-outdoor sticker of Why We Need Trains
one 4"x6" postcard of Why We Need Trains
What railroad in "Why We Need Trains" brought something you used or ate today?
one 5.5" x8.5" 8 page booklet of Why We Need Trains
If you would like your Short Line or Regional Railroad included in "Why We Need Trains" please email us for information.